How I was able to Hack Adhaar Card Official Website ?

Info Sec Helper
2 min readSep 21, 2021


Hello Amazing people out there ,

I am Parshwa Bhavsar as this blog is all about , How I can able to find #XSS by bypassing Firewall (W.A.F.)

So this is all about January 2021 when I am hunting on Indian Govt. websites.

I reported 150+ Web Application Vulnerabilities to Indian Govt. and got my name in NCIIPC NewsLetter. (April 2021)

I was in Top-15 Security Researcher from all over the India in the month of April 2021.

So , Move to the topic. I have thought to find my favourite Vulnerability XSS in very important web application or has some big amount of daily visiters.

I researched somethings and came to know about the UIDAI website which is official website for any type of work related to Adhaar card.

After some recon and gathering end-points , I found a page where we can request for printing the PVC Adhaar card. This page has basically 3 input fields : 1. Adhaar number , 2. Enter Security Code , 3. Enter OTP

Here , The Adhaar Number field is Vulnerable to XSS.

I have check the request and response and came to know that It is Blocking the JavaScript execution. I guess the WAF rules has been set in that way.

But I can inject simple HTML Tags and was successfully executing at the page.

At the end, I have tried following payload and it was successfully executed.

Payload :

“><marquee onmouseover=alert(document.cookie)>Hover Me</marquee>

The Vulnerability has been patched now.

It is so satisfying to secure Indian Cyber Space.

Impact :-

The impact of an exploited XSS vulnerability on a web application varies a lot. It ranges from user’s Session Hijacking, and if used in conjunction with a social engineering attack it can also lead to disclosure of sensitive data, CSRF attacks and other security vulnerabilities.

If an attacker can control a script that is executed in the victim’s browser, then they can typically fully compromise that user. Amongst other things, the attacker can:

  1. Perform any action within the application that the user can perform.
  2. View any information that the user is able to view.
  3. Modify any information that the user is able to modify.
  4. Initiate interactions with other application users, including malicious attacks, that will appear to originate from the initial victim user.

I hope you enjoyed the blog. I will continue to serve my nation :)



Info Sec Helper
Info Sec Helper

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